This is a Domino project!

We present several exhibitions / visual arts programs per year. One of the major is “The Traces of Others” project that we are conducting in 2023 and 2024. It is a project aimed at developing and incorporating LGBTQI+ identities and experiences into guided museum tour programs. This project involves several months of participation from local museum advisors and/or curators in an educational collaboration program between Domino Association and experts from The British Museum in London. The focus of this collaboration is on the inclusion of non-dominant identities and practices in museum exhibits and programs. Another project that is ongoing and quite interesting is „History of Political Performance in Croatia“. We are editing, documenting and digitizing archives of live art performances from the 1960s till today not only because somehow it has not been done, but because we hope our database could be the entry point for anyong with an interest in the performance art history and development in this region with a very strong line of artists in the field.