1.12.2023. / 12:30 – 13:45
Kuća Europe, Ul. Augusta Cesarca 4
Moderira: Dorotea Šušak (HR)
Sudjeluju: Jelena Višnjić (SRB), Mirjana Kučer (HR), Sanja Sarnavka (HR), Arijana Lekić Fridrih (HR)
Otvarajući panel u sklopu Europske feminističke konferencije ‘Ženske politike – Budućnost feminističke borbe’, nosi naslov ‘Feministički aktivizam’. Gošće panela kojeg moderira Dorotea Šušak jesu etablirane, višegodišnje ekspertice, aktivistkinje, umjetnice i borkinje u polju ženskih prava, odnosno Jelena Višnjić (SRB), Mirjana Kučer (HR), Sanja Sarnavka (HR) i Arijana Lekić Fridrih. Panel ‘Feministički aktivizam’, otvorit će dijaloško polje komparacije historijskih, transgeneracijskih i suvremenih premrežišta, kao i žarišta borbe za ženska prava (pravo na sigurnost i život, slobodu od rodno-uvjetovanog nasilja, reproduktivno zdravlje, itd.). Otvorit ćemo pitanje uloge civilnog društva i aktivističkih inicijativa u funkciji dugoročnih korektiva društvene zajednice i sustava, kao i mapirati temeljne silnice budućih stremljenja s ciljem izgradnje pravednijeg društva. Poseban fokus će biti usmjeren na propitkivanje potencijala umjetničkih i diskurzivnih praksi, kao oznažujućih mehanizama raznorodnih aktivističkih akcija u polju feminizma.
The opening panel as part of the conference ‘Women’s Politics – Shaping the Feminist Future,’ is titled ‘Feminist Activism.’ The panel guests, moderated by Dorotea Šušak, are established, experienced experts, activists, artists, and advocates in the field of women’s rights, including Jelena Višnjić (SRB), Mirjana Kučer (HR), Sanja Sarnavka (HR), and Arijana Lekić Fridrih. The ‘Feminist Activism’ panel will open a dialogue on the comparison of historical, transgenerational, and contemporary networks, as well as focal points in the struggle for women’s rights (the right to safety and life, freedom from gender-based violence, reproductive health, etc.). The discussion will open the question of the role of civil society and activist initiatives in serving as long-term correctives for the social community and system, as well as mapping the fundamental forces of future aspirations with the aim of building a fairer society. A special focus will be directed towards questioning the potential of artistic and discursive practices as empowering mechanisms for diverse activist actions in the field of feminism.
Dorotea Šušak (HR) izvršna je direktorica Centra za ženske studije. Stručnjakinja je i aktivistkinja u polju ljudskih prava žena, posebno fokusirana na rodno-uvjetovano nasilje, problematiku femicida te reproduktivna prava žena. Alumni je OSCE/ODIHR-ovog programa ‘Advocacy School on Gender and Politics’, UN akademije te američkog edukacijsko-zagovaračkog programa organizacije Vital Voices pod nazivom ‘Intergenerational Fellowship on Women, Peace and Security in South Central Europe’. Diplomirala je Dramaturgiju na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Doktorandica je na poslijediplomskom studiju Znanosti o književnosti, teatrologije i dramatologije, filmologije, muzikologije i studija kulture pri Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Dvostruka je laureatkinja nacionalne nagrade Marin Držić za najbolji dramski tekst, dobitnica je nagrade Radiofonton te nagrade Hrvatskog narodnog kazalište u Mostaru, a njezina je poezija uvrštena u nekoliko različitih izdanja i regionalnih antologija. Potpisuje dramaturgiju, autorstvo i/ili režiju niza kazališnih i drugih umjetničkih projekata na nezavisnoj i institucionalnoj sceni. Višegodišnja je aktivistkinja u polju socijalne dostupnosti i kvalitete obrazovanja.
Dorotea Šušak (HR) is the executive director of the Center for Women’s Studies. She is an expert and activist in the field of women’s human rights, with a particular focus on gender-based violence, femicide issues, and women’s reproductive rights. She is an alumna of the OSCE/ODIHR Advocacy School on Gender and Politics program, the UN Academy, and the American educational advocacy program “Intergenerational Fellowship on Women, Peace and Security in South Central Europe” by Vital Voices. Dorotea graduated in Dramaturgy from the Academy of Dramatic Art at the University of Zagreb and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Literature, Theatre, and Film Studies, Musicology, and Cultural Studies at the University of Zagreb. She is a two-time laureate of the national Marin Držić Award for Best Dramatic Text, recipient of the Radiofonthon Award, and the award from the Croatian National Theatre in Mostar. Her poetry has been included in several publications and regional anthologies. Dorotea has contributed to the dramaturgy, authorship, and/or direction of numerous theatrical and other artistic projects in both independent and institutional scenes. She has been a longstanding activist in the field of social accessibility and the quality of education.
Jelena Višnjić (RS), dr. studije roda (Univerzitet u Novom Sadu). Jedna je od osnivačica i direktorica BeFema, feminističkog kulturnog centra. Voditeljica je programa “Feministička medijska kultura: proizvodnja roda” i predavačica u Centru za ženske studije. Poslednje tri godine u sklopu BeFem obrazovnih programa na Fakultetu za medije i komunikacije u Beogradu sa suradnicama i prijateljicama vodi jednosemestralni kolegij “Politike reprezentacije: rod i nasilje’’.
Jelena Višnjić (RS), holds a PhD in Gender Studies (University of Novi Sad). Jelena is one of the founders and directors of the feminist cultural center BeFem. She is the coordinator of the program “Feminist media culture: production of gender” and a lecturer at the Center for Women’s Studies in Belgrade. For the last three years, as part of the BeFem educational programs at the Faculty of Media and Communications in Belgrade, she has been leading the course “Politics of representation: gender and violence”.
Mirjana Kučer (HR) je izvršna koordinatorica udruge Domine iz Splita, neprofitne i nevladine organizacije koja zagovara i promiče zaštitu ljudskih prava žena i rodnih manjina. Posljednjih 20 godina radi kao pravna savjetnica u udruzi Domine. Jedna je od pet koordinatorica Ženske mreže Hrvatske. Kroz rad u Euro-Mediteranskoj feminističkoj inicijativi, Europskom ženskom lobiju te odnedavno u WAVE – mreži Žene Europe protiv nasilja te neformalnoj mreži za rodnu pravdu na Zapadnom Balkanu, stekla je bogato iskustvo promovirajući vrijednosti koje zastupa kroz feminizam i rodnu ravnopravnost.
Mirjana Kučer (HR) is the executive coordinator of the Domine Association in Split, a non-profit and non-governmental organization advocating for the protection of women’s and gender minorities’ human rights. For the past 20 years, she has worked as a legal advisor in the Domine association. She is one of the five coordinators of the Women’s Network of Croatia. Through her work in the Euro-Mediterranean Feminist Initiative, the European Women’s Lobby, and recently in the WAVE – Women Against Violence Europe network, as well as in an informal network for gender justice in the Western Balkans, she has gained rich experience promoting the values she advocates for through feminism and gender equality.
Sanja Sarnavka (HR) profesorica je komparativne književnosti i jugoslavenskih jezika i književnosti. U svom profesionalnom životu radila je kao urednica programa u Centru za kulturu Trešnejvka i Kulturno-informativnom centru, profesorica u gimnaziji, novinarka u filmskom magazinu i voditeljica poslovne škole, ali je najduži staž ostvarila kao aktivistikinja u organizaciji B.a.B.e. (Budi aktivna. Budi emancipiran). Osnivačica je, a sedam je godina je bila i predsjednica Kuće ljudskih prava. Četiri godine predsjednica je Upravnog vijeća Zaklade Solidarna i aktivna članica Fonda za žene. Producirala je četraneast dokumentarnih filmova i više socijalnih reklama, uređivala i jedno vrijeme vodila radijsku emisiju Mjesečnica. Autorica je nekoliko knjiga: “A ‘ko joj je kriv?!” – deset životnih priča žena žrtava nasilja uz komentare što je država mogla a nije učinila; “Put do vlastitog pogleda – kako čitati i razumjeti medijsku kulturu” (2010.), “Putevima diskriminacije” (2011.), itd. te modula Rodna ravnopravnost (2013.). Hrvatska udruga za odnose s javnošću dodijelila joj je 2012. Grand Prix kao komunikatorici godine.
Sanja Sarnavka (HR) is a professor of comparative literature and Yugoslav languages and literature. Throughout her professional life, she has worked as a program editor at the Trešnjevka Cultural Center and the Cultural and Information Center, a high school teacher, a journalist for a film magazine, and a business school manager. However, her longest tenure has been as an activist in the organization B.a.B.e. (Be Active. Be Emancipated). She is the founder and was the president of the House of Human Rights for seven years. For four years, she served as the president of the Management Board of the Solidarity Foundation and is an active member of the Women’s Fund. She has produced fourteen documentaries and several social advertisements, edited and hosted the radio show Mjesečnica for a period, and authored several books, including “A ‘ko joj je kriv?!” – ten life stories of women victims of violence with commentary on what the state could have done but didn’t; “The Path to Your Own Perspective – How to Read and Understand Media Culture” (2010), “Paths of Discrimination” (2011), and the Gender Equality module (2013). In 2012, the Croatian Public Relations Association awarded her the Grand Prix as Communicator of the Year.
Arijana Lekić-Fridrih (HR) rođena je u Zagrebu gdje živi i radi. Završila je studij Filma i videa na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Splitu te studij Filmske i TV režije na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu. U svom aktivističkom i umjetničkom radu bavi se položajem marginaliziranih skupina i ulogom odgovornog građanstva, njezini radovi žive i nastaju u javnom prostoru i kao zajednički cilj uvijek imaju promjenu – u društvu, u javnom mišljenju, u svakom pojedincu. Redovito izlaže u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu.
Arijana Lekić-Fridrih (HR) was born in Zagreb, where she lives and works. She completed her studies in Film and Video at the Academy of Arts in Split and Film and TV Directing at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. In her activist and artistic work, she focuses on the position of marginalized groups and the role of responsible citizenship. Her works come to life in the public space, and their common goal is to influence change – in society, in public opinion, in every individual. She regularly exhibits both in Croatia and abroad.
Program se odvija u okviru konferencije Ženske politike – Budućnost feminističke borbe 1. – 2.12.2023.
The program is taking place as part of the conference Women Politics – Shaping the Feminist Future 1-3 Dec 2023.