7-9, 14-16 i 28-30 lipnja, 2019. | U vašoj kući!
o festivalu | rezerviraj | umjetnici | predstave |
7-9, 14-16 i 28-30 lipnja, 2019. | U vašoj kući!
o festivalu | rezerviraj | umjetnici | predstave |
Autor projekta Michikazu Matsune napustio je Japan kao tinejdžer i sada živi u Beču. Često su ga, kao stranca, pitali osjeća li nostalgiju, na što je godinama, sve do nedavno, odgovarao s “ne”. 2017. godine čežnja za domom postaje temom njegovog novog umjetničkog projekta – Homesick festivala – serije predstava koje se izvode u domovima gledatelja – vašim stanovima i kućama!
Umjetnici izvode predstave inspirirane vlastitom poviješću, djetinjstvom, svakodnevnim životom, željama ili snovima. Vaš dom postaje intimna pozornica – od suvremenog plesa u vašoj dnevnoj sobi, interaktivnog protesta u vašoj kuhinji, do kazališnog eseja u vašoj spavaćoj sobi! Homesick festival vam pruža mogućnost ponovnog povezivanja s vlastitim iskustvom doma, trenutne lokacije, životne situacije ili stanja bivanja.
Publiku birate vi, stoga iskoristite ovu priliku za ponovno okupljanje najbližih, kao kazališni šlagvort za tulum, obiteljsku proslavu ili jedinstveno iskustvo koje želite podijeliti s prijateljima i obitelji!
Homesick festival dolazi kući!
Homesick festival Zagreb možete udomiti na e-mail adresi: ganznoveperforacije@gmail.com ili na 095-355-9219. Kontaktirajte nas i dogovorite točan datum, vrijeme i umjetnike.
Mogući termini izvedbe su:
petak, 7.6. u 20h
subota, 8.6. u 17h i 20h
nedjelja, 9.6. u 17h i 20h
petak, 14.6. u 20h
subota, 15.6. u 17h i 20h
nedjelja, 16.6. u 17h i 20h
petak, 28.6. u 20h
subota, 29.6. u 17h i 20h
nedjelja, 30.6. u 17h i 20h
Javite nam željeni datum i vrijeme izvedbe (predložite nam dva termina koja bi vam odgovarala) te ime jednog željenog umjetnika, a drugoga ćemo vam predložiti mi. Pošaljite nam i vaše ime, prezime, adresu i kvart (u Zagrebu), očekivani broj gostiju te vaš kontakt telefon. Po rezervaciji, primate e-mail potvrde s datumom i vremenom izvedbe te imenima umjetnika, a na dan izvedbe par umjetnika dolazi k vama kući kako bi predstave izveli uživo.
Predstave Homesick festivala Zagreb se ne naplaćuju, ali po odgledanim predstavama možete nam ostaviti donaciju. Sve ostalo potrebno za realizaciju predstava (npr. rekvizite i kostime) donose umjetnici.
Michikazu Matsune odrastao je u obalnom gradu Kobe u Japanu. Većinu svog vremena kao dijete provodio je sa svojom braćom i prijateljima na obližnjoj plaži. Kada je završio srednju školu, Michikazu je otputovao u Europu i naposljetku se preselio u Beč, u Austriju, gdje živi preko 20 godina. Kako je bio stranac često su ga pitali osjeća li čežnju za domom i na to je poznato pitanje uvijek odgovarao sa „ne“ – do nedavno. Michikazu je izvedbeni umjetnik koji radi u različitim formatima, kontekstima i prostorima poput kazališta, muzeja, javnih i privatnih prostora. Njegov rad kojeg karakterizira poetski apsurd, zaigrano i kritički razmišlja o našem globaliziranom svijetu. Njegovo najdraže voće je lubenica. www.michikazumatsune.info
Bruno Isaković je izvođač i koreograf koji je odrastao na rubovima Balkanskog poluotoka gdje ljudi prvo naprave pa promisle i gdje je nedosljednost jedina stvar koja je dosljedna. Kao mali rastavio je mini ventilator na baterije i na njega smjestio dijelove tijela sestrinih Barbika kako bi promatrao kako se vrte i ispaljuju po prostoru. Želeći saznati više o tome, napravio je svoju prvu životnu grešku upisavši Srednju elektrotehničku školu gdje nije naučio ništa o vrtnji dijelova tijela. Budućnost se nije činila svijetlom, ali sreća je pronašla Brunu na njegovom prvom elektro partiju u devedesetima kada je uspio podijeliti atome u svojoj glavi i odapeti svoje tijelo kroz skokove i okrete po plesnom podiju. Bruno je završio suvremeni ples u amsterdamskoj Školi za umjetnost i od tada stvara body art i plesne predstave gdje često traži, pronalazi i gubi smisao odgovarajući na pitanja kako smo dospjeli gdje jesmo i postali tko smo. Njegove predstave predstavljene su na festivalima u New Yorku, Tokiju, Londonu, Sao Paolu i Hobartu. www.brunoisakovic.org
Vedrana Klepica je rođena u manjem radničkom mjestu kontinentalne Hrvatske, gdje zalasci sunca kvalitetom i izgledom često zrcale fenomen polarne aurore borealis, primano zbog refrakcije sunčevih zraka u sudaru s atmosferskim zagađenjem, uglavnom dimom i sumpornim plinovima koje ispušta lokalna petrokemijska industrija. Ubrzo je ustanovila da poezija ima sposobnost razmnožavanja i u takvim tmastim i tmurnim kontekstima, te se počela samoinicijativno baviti pisanjem, uglavnom u radikalnim izvedbenim dramskim formama u kojima je ona bila istovremeno i izvođačica teksta i jedina publika. Nekoliko godina kasnije upisala je dramaturgiju i od tada svojim radovima kontinuirano deprimira gledatelje kod kuće i u inozemstvu. Wikipedia_Vedrana_Klepica
Nina Kurtela je rođena u Jugoslaviji, a danas živi na istom mjestu, u Hrvatskoj. Posljednjih 15 godina provodi duže vrijeme u Beču, Parizu, Helsinkiju, Tbilisiju, Taipeiju, Portlandu i Brnu, te gotovo cijelo desetljeće živi u Berlinu. U stalnom pokretu često se osjećala ushićeno, inspirirano, znatiželjno, iscrpljeno, usamljeno, nostalgično, sretno i tužno. Njezino iskustvo izmještenog i prekarnog života kao umjetnice, navelo ju je na propitivanje pojmova doma, identiteta i pripadnosti. Živeći i radeći na relacijama između Berlina i Zagreba, plesa i vizualnih umjetnosti, materijalnog i nematerijalnog, polako shvaća da dom nije samo fizičko mjesto te se sve više počinje osjećati kao doma upravo u tim među-prostorima, stvarajući svoj imaginarni prostor postojanja. www.ninakurtela.com
Sve ovisi o umjetnicima koji dolaze k vama. Michikazu Matsune je izvedbeni umjetnik, Bruno Isaković je izvođač i koreograf, Vedrana Klepica je dramaturginja i kazališna redateljica, a Nina Kurtela je plesna i vizualna umjetnica.
Više informacija o umjetnicima kao i prethodnim izdanjima Homesick Festivala u Beču (2017.) i Düsseldorfu (2019.) možete dobiti na www.homesickfestival.eu.
Za sva pitanja, informacije kao i rezervacije termina, slobodno nam se javite na ganznoveperforacije@gmail.com ili na 095-355-9219.
Homesick festival Zagreb realizira se u sklopu Festivala Ganz nove Perforacije uz potporu Ministarstva kulture RH, Gradskog ureda za kulturu, obrazovanje i sport Grada Zagreba, DANCE ON TOUR AUSTRIA, projekta suradnje Tanzquartier Wien-a i Saveznog ministarstva za Europu, integraciju i vanjske poslove Republike Austrije te Japan Foundationa.
Program se provodi kroz platformu aktivnog gledateljstva projekta suradnje BeSpectactive! uz podršku Kreativne Europe
The project’s author Michikazu Matsune left Japan as a teenager and now lives in Vienna. Being a foreigner he has been repeatedly asked if he has ever been homesick, a question to which he always answered with a “no” – until recently when he decided to make a project out of it – Homesick Festival – a series of performances that are performed in private homes of its viewers – your flats and houses!
Artists present performances inspired by their own history, childhood, everyday life, wishes or dreams. From dancing in the living room, protesting in the kitchen to philosophising in the bedroom – your home becomes an intimate stage for shared experiences! Homesick Festival offers opportunities to (re)connect with your own experience of home, your current location, life situation and the state of being.
You choose your audience, so why not use this as an opportunity to reunite with your closest ones, as a theatrical intro into your own party, family celebration or as a unique experience you want to share with your friends and family! Homesick Festival comes to your home!
Homesick Festival Zagreb can be reached at e-mail: ganznoveperforacije@gmail.com or at +385-95-355-9219. Contact us and arrange exact date, time and artists.
You can book one of the following dates:
Friday, June 7th at 8pm
Saturday, June 8th at 5pm and 8pm
Sunday, June 9th at 5pm and 8pm
Friday, June 14th at 8pm
Saturday, June 15th at 5pm and 8pm
Sunday, June 16th at 5pm and 8pm
Friday, June 28th at 8pm
Saturday, June 29th at 5pm and 8pm
Let us know your preferred date and time of the performance (suggest us two possible dates). Mention your preferred artist and we will suggest the accompanying second artist. Send us also your name, surname, address and district (in Zagreb), expected number of guests and your contact phone. Upon booking, you will receive an e-mail confirmation with date and time of the performances and names of the artists. On the day of the performance, a pair of artists visit your home to perform in person.
Homesick Festival’s performances are free of charge, but if you wish you can leave us a donation. Everything else needed for realisation of the performances (props, costumes, etc…) will be brought by the artists.
Michikazu Matsune grew up in a seaside town of Kobe, Japan. Much of his time as a child was spent with his brothers and friends at a nearby beach. When he graduated from high school, Michikazu travelled to Europe and eventually moved to Vienna, Austria, where he has lived for over 20 years. Being a foreigner he has been repeatedly asked if he has ever been homesick, a question to which he always answered with a “no” – until recently. Michikazu is a performance-artist who works in various formats, contexts and spaces such as stage, museums, public and private spaces. His work, often containing poetic absurdity, reflects our globalized society playfully and critically. Ever since he was little, his favourite fruit has been watermelon. www.michikazumatsune.info
Bruno Isaković is a performer and choreographer who grew up on the edges of Balkan Peninsula where people first act and then think and where inconsistency is the only thing that is consistent. As a young boy he disassembled AA battery driven mini-fan on which he placed the body parts of his sister’s Barbie dolls to watch them spin and shoot across the space. Eager to understand how this all works, he made his first crucial life-error, which was to study at an Electrical Engineering High School where he learned nothing about spinning body parts. The future did not appear bright, but luck found its way to Bruno at his first electro party in the 90s’ where he succeeded to split the atoms in his head and discharge his body through jumps and turns on the dance floor. Since then, Bruno graduated Contemporary dance from Amsterdam School of the Arts and has been creating body/dance performance works where he is often searching, finding and loosing sense in his quest to answer questions of how we manage to get where and become who we are. His performances have been presented at festivals in New York, Tokyo, London, Sao Paulo and Hobart. www.brunoisakovic.org
Vedrana Klepica was born in a small working-class town in continental Croatia, where the sunsets often had an aurora-borealis type of quality, mainly due to the phenomena of sunrays fractioning in crashes with cloud-like formations of smoke and sulphur coming from the local petrochemical industry. She quickly began to understand how there is always poetry to be found even in the gloomiest and toxic of contexts, and she decided to note it down on paper, mostly in radical forms of performative texts that she would energetically perform later for herself, simultaneously being both the performer of the text and its only audience. A couple of years later, she decided to study dramaturgy, and from then on she has been continually depressing audiences at home and abroad with her plays and performances. Wikipedia_Vedrana_Klepica
Nina Kurtela was born in Yugoslavia and now lives in the same place, in Croatia. In the last 15 years she spent longer periods of time in Vienna, Paris, Helsinki, Tbilisi, Taipei, Portland, Brno and lived for almost a decade in Berlin. At times she felt excited, inspired, curious, overwhelmed, dislocated, lonely, nostalgic, happy and sad. Her experience of displacement and precarious life as an artist, led her to question notions of identity and belonging within her work. Through years of practice, living between Berlin and Zagreb and working between dance and visual arts, material and immaterial, she realised that home is not only a physical place. She started to feel more and more at ease in those in-between-spaces, creating her own personal imaginary space of existence. www.ninakurtela.com
It all depends on the artists that visit your home. Michikazu Matsune is a performance artist, Bruno Isaković is performer and choreographer, Vedrana Klepica is a dramaturge and theatre director and Nina Kurtela is dance and visual artist. More info on the artists and the preceding Homesick Festival editions in Vienna (2017) and Düsseldorf (2019) you can find at www.homesickfestival.eu.
For all information, questions and reservation of performances, contact us via e-mail: ganznoveperforacije@gmail.com or at +385-95-355-9219.
Homesick Festival Zagreb is realised within Ganz New Perforations Festival with the support of Croatian Ministry of Culture, Zagreb City Office for Culture, Education and Sport, DANCE ON TOUR AUSTRIA – a project by Tanzquartier Wien in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs and Japan Foundation.
The program is implemented through the platform of active spectatorship of the collaboration project BeSpectactive! with the support of Creative Europe
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