Zagrebački plesni centar, Ilica 10
KUPI ULAZNICU | 8 € (60,28 kn)
Benoit Solès
Turingov stroj (La Machine de Turing)
Inspirirano dramom „Breaking the Code“ Hugha Whitemorea
Temeljeno na: “Alan Turing: The Enigma” by Andrew Hudges
Zapisi o Alanu Mathisonu Turingu, njegovom matematički sjajnom umu i povijesnim činjenicama oko njegova života su prije svega iznenađujući i zanimljivi. Mnogo je teoretskih spekulacija o njegovom istraživanju te utjecaju koje je imalo i još uvijek ima na razvoj umjetne inteligencije. Mnogi tekstovi govore o Turingovu radu koji je bio ključan za rješavanje Enigme tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata, o znanstvenim istraživanjima na Sveučilištu u Manchesteru, o Christopheru Morcomu, njegovom više nego dobrom i prerano preminulom prijatelju te o njegovoj vlastitoj tragičnoj sudbini. U tadašnjem neprijateljski nastrojenom društvu, bio je primoran podvrgnuti se kemijskoj kastraciji koja mu je prouzročila fizičke i mentalne promjene te ograničenje brzine, vještine, humora, predanosti i usredotočenosti. Međutim, priču o Turingu možemo razumjeti i na drugačiji način, kroz oči nevjerojatna čovjeka koji je svojim uvijek mladim i zaigranim umom prekoračio granice svog vremena. On nije gledao na ljudski mozak samo kao znanstvenik, već kao čovjek koji shvaća širinu ljudskog duha i uma. U percepciji svijeta bio je brži i neobičniji od svih drugih te je stvorio svijet prilagođen samo njemu. Oni koji su uspjeli ući u taj svijet morali su igrati po njegovim pravilima i prihvatiti ga, čak i ako ga nisu u potpunosti razumjeli. Oni koji to nisu uspjeli, na kraju su ga uništili. Ovo je priča o čovjeku koji je trčao maraton sa svojim strojem te o znanstveniku koji je postavio temelje suvremenog računalstva. Istovremeno ovo je predstava o čovjeku koji je postavio ogledalo društvu, kako se pogreške jednom učinjene ne bi više ponovile.
Ivica Buljan je diplomirao Francuski jezik i književnost te Komparativnu književnost na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu. Radio je kao kazališni kritičar, a poslijednjih 25 godina režira tekstove priznatih autora kao što su: M. Tsvetaeva, P. P. Pasolini, H. Muller, R. Walser, E. Jelinek, M. Krleža, H. Guibert, A. Hilling, D. Kiš, G. Strnis, R. Bolaña, F. Šovagović, I. Sajko, Z. Mesarić, D. Ugrešić, D. Karakaš, O. Savićević-Ivančević, G. Vojnović, T. Štivičić. Radi kao kazališni redatelj u Sloveniji, SAD-u, Njemačkoj, Francuskoj, Italiji, Mađarskoj, Portugalu, Belgiji, Rusiji, Crnoj gori, Obali Bjelokosti, Norveškoj i Srbiji. Od 1998. do 2001. godine ravnatelj je Drame Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta u Splitu. Suosnivač je Mini teatera u Ljubljani te Festivala svjetskog kazališta u Zagrebu. Dobitnik je brojnih nagrada: Borštnik, Sterija, Vjesnikova nagrada Dubravko Dujšin, Branko Gavella, Petar Brečić, Havana City Medals, te Prešernove nagrade – najvećeg priznanja Republike Slovenije za područje umjetnosti. Dobitnik je odličja Viteza reda umjetnosti i književnosti kojeg francuska Vlada dodjeljuje istaknutim pojedincima u području kulture i umjetnosti. Od 2014. do 2022. godine ravnatelj je Drame Hrvatskog narodnog kazalište u Zagrebu.
Benoit Solès je glumac i dramaturg, a diplomirao je na Classe Supérieure d’Art Dramatique de Paris. Njegov debi bili su mjuzikli Rogera Loureta okrunjeni nagradom Molière: La Java des Mémoires i Les Années Twist. Nastupio je u brojnim televizijskim serijama (Julie Lescaut, Profilage, RIS, Alice Nevers, Boulevard du Palais, itd.) te filmovima (Le Juste, La Pompadour, Louis XV le soleil noir, Le Chasseur, L’Affaire Salengro). Surađivao je s brojnim redateljima: André Téchiné (La fille du RER), Vijay Singh (One Dollar Curry), Michel Blanc (Embrassez qui vous rire), Ramesh Aravind (Butterfly) i Éva Ionesco (Une Jeunesse dorée). Njegova predstava La Machine de Turing je premijerno izvedena na Festival d’Avignonu 2018. nakon čega ulazi u repertoar kazališta Théâtre Michel u Parizu. Predstava ostvaruje francusku i internacionalnu turneju do svibnja 2020. kada se ponovno prikazuje na Festival d’Avignonu 2020.
Autor: Benoit Solès | Prevoditelj: Ignac Fock | Redatelj: Ivica Buljan | Izvođači: Nejc Cijan Garlatti, Timon Šturbej i Nika Korenjak | Scenografija, dizajn svjetla i videa: Probe 13 i Toni Soprano Meneglejte | Kostimograf: Alan Hranitelj | Skladatelj: Andrej Makor | Lektor: Jože Faganel | Asistentica redatelja: Nika Korenjak | Glazbenici (snimka): Meta Fajdiga (klavir), Jaka Trilar (violončelo) i Andrej Makor (bariton solo) | Snimanje i obrada zvuka: Milko Lazar | Produkcija: Mini teater, SLO, 2021. | Producenti: Branislav Cerović i Sandra Ristić
Inspired by Hugh Whitemore’s play: BREAKING THE CODE
Based on ALAN TURING – THE ENIGMA by Andrew Hodges
Records of Alan Mathison Turing, of his mathematical-ingenious brain, and of the historical facts that are formed around him are surprising, interesting, and full of theoretical speculation about the impact that research into athletically built genius has had and still has on the development of artificial intelligence. We can read about his research work, which was crucial to solving the Enigma (a German electric message encryption device used during World War II), about his scientific work at the University of Manchester, about his more than just friend Christopher Morcom, who died prematurely as a result of raw milk poisoning and about his tragic fate. He was forced to choose between ways to deprive him of his precious freedom in the midst of then-hostile society. He was succumbed to chemical castration, which led him to physical and mental modifications, to the impossibility of physical and mental speed, versatility, humor, dedication, and daring focus. But we can understand his story or read it differently, through the eyes of an amazing man who, with his eternally young and playful mind, selflessly skipped the time in which he was born. He saw the human brain not only as a scientist but as a man aware of the breadth of the human spirit and mind. In the perception of the world, he was faster and so unusual to the eyes of every individual in the society of the time that he tailored the world he shared by the personification of his machine in his own way as the only tolerable reality. There, everything was his and otherwise allowed because it was meaningful and understandable only to him. Whoever entered it had to play by its rules, recognize and accept it, even if not fully understand it. Those who failed, however, eventually executed Turing. “It’s a story about a man running.” wrote author Benoit Solès. The first performance in Slovene gives space to a man who ran a marathon with his machine and indispensable friendly minds, a scientist who outlined the foundations of modern computer science and at the same time unknowingly placed a mirror in a society that hopefully will not repeat its impatient and hostile mistakes.
Ivica Buljan holds a degree in French and Comparative Literature from the University of Zagreb. He has worked as a theater critic and for the past 25 years he has been directing plays written by established authors such as M.Tsvetaeva, P.P. Pasolini, H. Muller, R. Walser, E. Jelinek, M. Krleža, H. Guibert, A. Hilling, D. Kiš, G. Strnis, R. Bolaña, F. Šovagović, I. Sajko, Z. Mesarić, D. Ugrešić, D. Karakaš, O. Savićević-Ivančević, G. Vojnović, T. Štivičić. He has directed in theaters in Slovenia, USA, Germany, France, Italy, Hungary, Portugal, Belgium, Russia, Montenegro, Ivory Coast, Norway and Serbia. From 1998 to 2001. he was the Head of Drama of the Croatian National Theater in Split. He is the co- founder of Mini teater in Ljubljana and the Festival of World Theater in Zagreb. He received several Borštnik awards, the Sterija award, the Vjesnik award Dubravko Dujšin, the Branko Gavella Award, the Petar Brečić Award, the Havana City Medals and the highest recognition of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of art, the Prešern Fund Award. He was awarded the Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters, which the French Government awards to deserving individuals for their advocacy in the field of culture and art. From 2014 until 2022 he was the Head of Drama of the Croatian National Theater in Zagreb.
Benoit Solès graduated from the Classe Supérieure d’Art Dramatique de Paris. He made his debut in the musical shows of Roger Louret, crowned with Molières: La Java des Mémoires and Les Annees Twist. He appeared in numerous television series (Julie Lescaut, Profilage, RIS, Alice Nevers, Boulevard du Palais, etc.) and television films (Le Juste, La Pompadour, Louis XV le soleil noir, Le Chasseur, L’Affaire Salengro). He worked in cinema, collaborating with directors André Téchiné (La fille du RER), Vijay Singh (One Dollar Curry), Michel Blanc (Embrassez qui vous rire), Ramesh Aravind (Burtterfly) and Éva Ionesco (Une Jeunesse dorée). His play La Machine de Turing was premiered at the Festival d’Avignon 2018 and then picked up later in fall at the Théâtre Michel in Paris, where it kept being performed ever since. At the same time, the play continued the French and international tour until May 2020 before it would return to its Festival d’Avignon 2020.
Author: Benoit Solès | Translator: Ignac Fock | Director: Ivica Buljan | Cast: Nejc Cijan Garlatti, Timon Šturbej and Nika Korenjak | Scenography, lighting design and video design: Probe 13 and Toni Soprano Meneglejte | Costume designer: Alan Hranitelj | Composer: Andrej Makor | Proof reader: Jože Faganel | Director’s assistant: Nika Korenjak | Music recorded by musicians: Meta Fajdiga (klavir), Jaka Trilar (violončelo) and Andrej Makor (bariton solo) | Recording and sound mastering: Milko Lazar | Production: Mini teater, SLO, 2021. | Producers: Branislav Cerović and Sandra Ristić