1.12.2023. / 14:30-15:30
Kuća Europe, Ul. Augusta Cesarca 4
Moderira: Danka Derifaj (HR)
Sudjeluju: Sabina Glasovac (SDP), Ivana Kekin (Možemo!), Margareta Mađerić (HDZ)
Na panelu Politika ženskih prava otvorit ćemo razgovor o tome kakvi su postojeći zakonodavni okviri zaštite ženskih prava, a što možemo očekivati u budućnosti. Ususret superizbornoj godini predstavnice HDZ-a, SDP-a i platforme Možemo! imat će priliku predstaviti politike svojih stranaka kojima planiraju odgovoriti na postojeće, ali i rastuće prijetnje ženskoj ravnopravnosti i jednakosti.
Prema izvješću GREVIO-a, ekspretne grupe Vijeća Europe Hrvatska nije zadovoljavajuće implementirala Istanbulsku konvenciju – mehanizam za zaštitu žrtava obiteljskog nasilja. Nameće se pitanje kako ćemo tek implementirati čitav niz noviteta u Kaznenom zakonu koje predlože zakonodavac?
Brojke nisu na našoj strani. Crne statistike kažu da smo treći po broju femicida u Europi. Istovremeno, dok nesretne brojke žrtava obiteljskog nasilja rastu, svjedočimo rastu rodno tradicionalnih stavova koji često predstavljaju prepreku razbijanju stereotipa i općem društevnom razvoju. Svjedočimo retradicionalizaciji društva koja je u uskoj uzročno posljedičnoj vezi s porastom spolnog uznemiravanja i nasilja u obitelji.
Pravo na odlučivanje o vlastitom tijelu postalo je predmet rasprave i polarizacije koja dovodi u pitanje same temelje demokracije i vladavine prava.
Ako je demokracija onoliko jaka koliko jako štiti najslabije među nama legitimno je pitati pucaju li nam sami temelji vladavine prava? I to preko ženskih leđa?
Pozivamo vas da pridonesete diskusiji o ovim važnim pitanjima i svojim pitanjem i stavom sutra, u petak 1.12. 2023. u 14:30 u Kući Europe.
On the panel “Politics of Women’s Rights”, we will initiate a conversation about the existing legislative frameworks for the protection of women’s rights and what we can expect in the future. In anticipation of the super-election year, representatives of HDZ (Margareta Mađerić), SDP (Sabina Glasovac), and the platform Možemo! (Ivana Kekin) will have the opportunity to present the policies of their parties aimed at addressing existing and growing threats to women’s equality and equity.
According to the GREVIO report, the expert group of the Council of Europe, Croatia has not satisfactorily implemented the Istanbul Convention – a mechanism for the protection of victims of domestic violence. The question arises as to how we will implement a whole series of novelties in the Criminal Code proposed by the legislature.
The numbers are not on our side. Dark statistics indicate that we are third in Europe in terms of femicide rates. At the same time, as the unfortunate figures of domestic violence victims rise, we witness an increase in traditional attitudes towards gender that often pose obstacles to breaking stereotypes and general societal development. We witness the re-traditionalization of society, closely linked to the rise of sexual harassment and violence within families.
The right to decide about one’s own body has become a subject of debate and polarization that calls into question the very foundations of democracy and the rule of law.
If democracy is only as strong as it protects the weakest among us, it is legitimate to ask if the foundations of the rule of law are cracking, and is it happening over the backs of women?
We invite you to contribute to the discussion on these important questions with your questions and opinions tomorrow, on Friday, December 1, 2023, at 2:30 PM at the House of Europe.
Danka Derifaj (HR) diplomirala je novinarstvo na Fakultetu političkih znanosti u Zagrebu. Od 1998. do 1999. radila je kao prezenterica na OTV-u, Zagreb, a sljedeće dvije godine radila je kao novinarka u dnevnim novinama Jutarnji list. 2003. počinje raditi na Novoj TV gdje radi kao novinarka/reporterka u informativno istraživačkom tjednom magazinu Provjereno te kao reporterka s terena za dnevni informativni program. Nakon 13 godina rada na Novoj TV prelazi na RTL gdje provodi narednih šest godina kao urednica i novinarka, a potom se 2022. vraća na Novu TV, u emisiju Provjereno koju je stvarala od samih početaka. Dobitnica je brojnih nagrada za istraživačko i/ili televizijsko novinarstvo, poput “Velebitske degenije”, godišnje nagrade HND-a (Hrvatskog novinarskog društva), nagrade “Marija Jurić Zagorka”, “Vesna Kesić”, “Krunoslav Sukić” te “Zlatni studio”. U 2022. za priču o policijskom nasilju nad izbjeglicama na granici, zajedno s još 15 kolega i kolegica dobila je i novinarskog Oscara – nizozemsku novinarsku nagradu De Tegel.
Danka Derifaj (HR) graduated in journalism from the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb. From 1998 to 1999, she worked as a presenter at OTV in Zagreb, and in the following two years, she worked as a journalist for the daily newspaper Jutarnji list. In 2003, she started working at Nova TV, where she served as a journalist/reporter for the investigative weekly magazine Provjereno and as a field reporter for the daily news program. After 13 years at Nova TV, she moved to RTL, where she spent the next six years as an editor and journalist. In 2022, she returned to Nova TV, joining the Provjereno program that she had been part of since its inception. She has received numerous awards for investigative and/or television journalism, including the “Velebitska degenija,” the annual award of the Croatian Journalists’ Association (HND), the “Marija Jurić Zagorka” award, the “Vesna Kesić” award, the “Krunoslav Sukić” award, and the “Zlatni studio” award. In 2022, for a story on police violence against refugees at the border, she and 15 colleagues received the journalistic Oscar – the Dutch De Tegel journalism award.
Sabina Glasovac (HR) završila je Filozofski fakultet u Zadru Sveučilišta u Splitu (VSS – profesorica engleskog i njemačkog jezika i književnosti). Potpredsjednica je stranke SDP, te članica Kluba zastupnika SDP-a. U Hrvatskom saboru obnaša dužnost Predsjednica Odbora za ravnopravnost spolova (od 31.10.2019.), te je članica , Odbora za obitelj, mlade i sport, Odbora za međuparlamentarnu suradnju, Odbora za obrazovanje, znanost i kulturu, Izaslanstva Hrvatskoga sabora u Parlamentarnoj skupštini Unije za Mediteran. Zamjenica je člana Izaslanstva Hrvatskoga sabora u Parlamentarnoj skupštini Vijeća Europe.
Sabina Glasovac (HR) graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Split in Zadar (MA – English and German language and literature professor). She is the Vice President of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and a member of the SDP Parliamentary Club. In the Croatian Parliament, she serves as the President of the Committee on Gender Equality (since October 31, 2019) and is a member of the Committee on Family, Youth, and Sports, the Committee on Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation, the Committee on Education, Science, and Culture, and the Croatian Parliament Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean. She is also a deputy member of the Croatian Parliament Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
Ivana Kekin (HR) završila je Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (VSS – doktorica medicine, psihijatrica, specijalistica psihijatrije, subspecijalistica psihoterapije; doktorat u području biomedicine i zdravstva u polju kliničkih medicinskih znanosti, grana psihijatrija). Članica je stranke Nova ljevica, a zastupnica Kluba zasupnika Možemo!, Članica je Odbora za ravnopravnost spolova, Odbora za međuparlamentarnu suradnju, Odbora za obitelj, mlade i sport, Odbora za zdravstvo i socijalnu politiku, te zamjenica člana Izaslanstva Hrvatskoga sabora u Parlamentarnoj skupštini Vijeća Europe.
Ivana Kekin (HR) is a medical graduate at the University of Zagreb (MD – Doctor of Medicine, psychiatrist, specialist in psychiatry, subspecialist in psychotherapy; Ph.D. in the field of biomedicine and health, clinical medical sciences, branch of psychiatry). She is a member of the political party Nova ljevica and a representative of the Možemo! Club in the Croatian Parliament. Ivana Kekin is also a member of the Committee on Gender Equality, the Committee on Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation, the Committee on Family, Youth, and Sports, and the Committee on Health and Social Policy. Additionally, she serves as a deputy member of the Croatian Parliament Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
Margareta Mađerić (HR) završila je Visoku poslovnu školu u Zagrebu (VŠS – prvostupnica marketinga i komunikacija). Državna je tajnica u Ministarstvu rada, mirovinskog sustava, obitelji i socijalne politike. Članica je Kluba zastupnika Hrvatske demokratske zajednice. U Hrvatskom saboru obnaša dužnost Predsjednice Mandatno-imunitetnog povjerenstva, te je članica Odbora za ravnopravnost spolova, Odbora za međuparlamentarnu suradnju, te Izaslanstva Hrvatskoga sabora u Parlamentarnoj skupštini OESS-a.
Margareta Mađerić (HR) graduated from the Higher Business School in Zagreb (BSc in Marketing and Communication). She is the State Secretary at the Ministry of Labor, Pension System, Family, and Social Policy. She is a member of the Croatian Democratic Union Parliamentary Club. In the Croatian Parliament, she holds the position of the President of the Mandate and Immunity Commission and is a member of the Committee on Gender Equality, the Committee on Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation, and the Croatian Parliament Delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.
Program se odvija u okviru konferencije Ženske politike – Budućnost feminističke borbe 1. – 2.12.2023.
The program is taking place as part of the conference Women Politics – Shaping the Feminist Future 1-3 Dec 2023.