Queer City Cinema – Program kratkih filmova 1
Petak, 28. 4. – Urania
Finding Queer Disability (2018)
Režija: Love Intersections I 6’9”
Ovaj film istražuje poveznicu queera i invaliditeta te propituje načine na koji su kultura i jezik sastavni dio mnogih zajednica, uključujući zajednice autista i gluhonijemih osoba. Love Intersections je kolektiv queer umjetnika (artists of colour) iz Vancuvera.
Wash Day
Režija: Kourtney Jackson I 9’52”
Dok se pripremaju za početak dana, tri mlade crne žene raspravljaju o javnoj percepciji njihove rasne pripadnosti u odnosu na njihovo snažno poimanje sebstva. Wash Day na intiman način istražuje kako privatni i kućni poslovi poput pranja kose i šminkanja postaju značajno iskustvo ponovnog upoznavanja sa svojim tijelom, prije i poslije suočavanja s politikama vanjske pojavnosti.
Dorian Wood and Graham Kolbeins I 8’
PAISA slavi svu ljepotu senzualiteta ljudi obojane kože, “body positivitya” i individualizma. Film nastoji stvoriti trajni podsjetnik za queer, trans, ne-binarne i ne-bijele ljude, da se njihova ljepota proteže daleko van našeg vremena.
Indigenous Luvvv
Demian DinéYazhi I 4’41’’
Kratki film o cruisingu kao autohtonom queeru.
Less Lethal Fetishes
Režija: TJ Cuthand I 9’30”
Kratki (možda sexy) video.
Hello my name is Sarah
Režija: Sarah Hill I 10′
Video “Hello my name is Sarah” se sastoji od kratkih poglavlja. Kao transrodna osoba, iskusila/o sam mnogo neugodnih situacija oko moga imena. Ime Sarah pojavljuje se kroz službene dokumente, torte, mailove, uvode, osobne interakcije, internet, muziku i poznate osobe. Kompilacija “Hello my name is Sarah” kratki je fragment situacija kroz koje sam prošla. Individualne priče protežu se od četiri sekunde do par minuta. Videom istražujem lutkarstvo, humor, papirnate lutke, snimke iz mog djetinjstva te arhivske snimke desetljeća rada.
Nathan Joe: Homecoming Series
Režija: Nathan Joe I 14′
Nathan Joe istražuje formu autobiografije kroz performativnu poeziju, koristeći 3 poetska rada. Ovaj meditativni film istražuje golemo proživljeno iskustvo između Christchurcha i Aucklanda te između queera i Chinese – Kiwi identiteta, gdje se nostalgija isprepliće s nadom otkrivanja sažete i cjelovite osobne povijesti.
I am a fag for you
Režija: Vivek Shraya I 5’25”
Inspiriran kinematografijom filmova “Truth or Dare” i “Paris is Burning,” ovaj je video hommage gay kulturi i estetici kasnih 80-ih/ranih 90-ih te kreativan odgovor na gubitak queer prostora tijekom pandemije. Nadamo se da će video podsjetiti queer gledatelje da nisu sami, čak i kada se možemo povezati samo virtualno, te da je naša queernost – i pederluk – predivna i živa.
Finding Queer Disability (2018)
Director: Love Intersections I 6’9”
This film explores the intersection of queerness and disability, looking at the ways that culture and language are also part and parcel to many other communities, including the Autistic community and the Deaf community. This film was created by Love Intersections, a media arts collective of queer artists of colour in Vancouver.
Wash Day
Director: Kourtney Jackson I 9’52”
As they get ready for the day, three young Black women discuss the public perception of their Blackness in relation to their cultivation of a strong sense of self. Wash Day is an intimate exploration into how private, domestic acts such as washing your hair or putting on makeup become a significant re-acquaintance with the body, before and after navigating the politics of one’s outwardly appearance.
Dorian Wood and Graham Kolbeins I 8’
PAISA is an immersive fever dream that celebrates the beauty of queer brown sensuality, body positivity and individuality. Says Dorian – “…I wanted to create a permanent reminder for us queer, trans and non-binary folks of color that our beauty stretches within and far beyond our times, in either direction…sex positivity grounded in mindfulness and consent. We are wiser than this world gives us credit for. We are powerful and plentiful. We are forever.”
Indigenous Luvvv
Demian DinéYazhi I 4’41’’
A short film about cruising as an Indigenous Queer.
Less Lethal Fetishes
Director: TJ Cuthand I 9’30”
Not a sex video, maybe a sexy video? About a latent gas mask fetish, but maybe actually about a certain art world tear gas controversy the filmmaker was involved in? But also about Chemical Valley in Southern Ontario? But with like a dick and tits and vag and gas masks and smokebombs, lots of smoke bombs. A pretty film about weird shit.
Hello my name is Sarah
Director: Sarah Hill I 10′
Hello my name is Sarah, is a fast paced video composed of short chapters. As a trans, gender non-conforming masculine of center person named Sarah, I have experienced a lot of uncomfortable situations centering my name. The name Sarah, shows up in the form of legal documents, cakes, mail, introductions, personal interactions, the internet, music, and famous people. The compilation of Hello my name is Sarah is a small fragment of situations I have endured. The individual stories range from four seconds to a few minutes. The video explores the usage of puppetry, humour, paper dolls, footage from my childhood as well as archival video footage from a decade of making work.
Nathan Joe: Homecoming Series
Director: Nathan Joe I 14′
Using three poems, Nathan Joe explores the form of autobiography through performance poetry. A meditation that explores the vast lived experience between Christchurch and Auckland, between queerness and being Chinese- Kiwi. Where nostalgia intersects with hope to reveal a concise history of a whole self.
I am a fag for you
Director: Vivek Shraya I 5’25”
Inspired by the cinematography of “Truth or Dare” and “Paris is Burning,” this video is an homage to late 80s/early 90s gay culture and aesthetic and a creative response to the loss of queer spaces during the pandemic. We hope that this video will remind queer viewers that they aren’t alone, even when we can only connect virtually, and that our queerness–and faggotry–is beautiful and alive.