Queer City Cinema – Program kratkih filmova 2
Subota, 29. 4. – Urania
Comme tous les garçons
Morisha Moodley | 10’13’’
Comme tous les garçons propituje slike i ideje maskuliniteta i transmuškog identiteta. Kombinacijom pronađenih materijala i osobnih arhiva, film kroz proces montaže prikazuje nestalno i vječito spajanje dijelova queer identiteta. Film pokušava pratiti priču postajanja, ogoljujući momente konflikta. Comme tous les garçons propitkuje što znači biti i postati kao svi ostali dječaci, te kako avet “bijeline” (bijelog čovjeka) proganja one koji to žele postati.
Director: Kijatai-Alexandra Veillette-Cheezo | 2’45”
Film je lirska oda odehiminu ili bobici srca. Anishnaabe je osoba s dva duha koja kreće na iscjeljujuće putovanje ponovno se povezujući sa zemljom i vodom. Što se više povezuje sa svojim tijelom i bićima oko sebe, jasniji postaje njen proces ozdravljenja.
Bellydance Vogue
Hadi Moussally I 4’55’’
“Moj rođendan je bio 3. travnja 2020. i po prvi puta sam ga slavio sam. Iako sam bio sam, odlučio sam slaviti kao da mi je posljednji.” Film je nastao tijekom karantene, koristeći arhivske VHS snimke iz 80-ih i 90-ih godina.
All Falls Down
oberon strong | 6’
Snimljen u potpunosti VSH kamerom, “All Falls Down” uvodi nas u digitalni pakleni loop u kojem se transrodni antagonist suočava s idejom doma, anksioznosti, intimnosti, našom neizbježnom smrti, čežnjom te odnosom između zastarjelih i novih tehnologija.
Doppelgänger Memorandum
Clark Nikolai I 6’
U ovom klaustrofobičnom, surealnom i komičnom kratkom filmu, pažnju redatelja ometa ukleti video monitor u studiju, gdje gleda scene ‘nepovezanih” razgovora, kao rezultat krive sinkronizacije. Sklisko tlo između sna i stvarnosti, prošlosti i sadašnjosti, ovdje i ondje, ostavljaju gledatelja u stanju nedoumice.
Rob Fatal I 14’33’’
Prije šest godina, dvojica umjetnika pokušali su stvoriti queer, SF porn film, no nisu uspjeli. Nakon 6 godina, iz tragičnog i melodramatičnog pepela nastao je erotski eksperimentalni dokumentarac; meditacija na raskrižju neuspjeha i fetiša, pa tako i pedantni, slučajni proces stvaranja filma i identiteta.
Policephaly in D
Michael Robinson | 23’
Egzistencijalni uzlet u doba sloma. Skok, pad te susret s novim “ja” u potresu. Izgubiti glavu, i dobiti drugu.
Comme tous les garçons
Morisha Moodley | 10’13’’
Comme tous les garçons meditates on images and ideas of masculinity and transmasculine identity. The film combines found footage and personal archive in an act of assemblage that mirrors the erratic and eternal piecing together of a queer identity. Showing, too, how this process first consumes, then corrupts and queers. The film attempts to trace a story of becoming, laying bare the moments of conflict along the way. It asks what it means to be and become like all the boys, what it means to want this and how the spectre of Whiteness haunts the wanting.
Director: Kijatai-Alexandra Veillette-Cheezo | 2’45”
A lyrical film ode to the odehimin or heart berry. A two-spirit Anishnaabe person finds themself in a dark place with their body. They undertake a healing journey, stating aloud their intentions and reconnecting with the land and the water for strength. As they get more in touch with their body and the beings around them, we begin to see them heal.
Bellydance Vogue
Hadi Moussally I 4’55’’
“My birthday was on the 3rd of April 2020, and for the first time, I celebrated it all by myself. But even if I was alone, I decided to celebrate it as if it’s the last one” The film was made during quarantine, using archive films from the 80-90s and using VHS recorder app.
All Falls Down
oberon strong | 6’
Shot entirely on a VHS camera, All Falls Down launches us into a digital hell-loop in which the transgender antagonist comes to terms with ideas of home, anxiety, intimacy, our inevitable death, longing, and the conversation between obsolete and current technologies.
Doppelgänger Memorandum
Clark Nikolai I 6’
In this claustrophobically surreal and comical short, a film-score composer is distracted by a haunted video monitor in the confines of his sound studio, where he watches scenes of disconnected conversations as a result of mis-dubbing. The slippage between dream and reality, past and present, here and there, leaves the viewer in a perplexed state.
Rob Fatal I 14’33’’
6 years ago two artists attempted to make a queer, sci-fi porno: it failed. What emerged 6 years later out of its campy/tragic/melodramatic ashes is this erotic experimental documentary; a meditation on the intersections of failure and fetish as well the meticulous, accidental processes of constructing of cinema and identity.
Policephaly in D
Michael Robinson | 23’
Existential drift in the age of rupture. Leaping, falling, and meeting your new self in an earthquake. Losing one’s head, growing another.