2.12.2023. / 13:30 – 14:45
OAZA, Radićeva ul. 9
Moderira: Milena Zajović (HR)
Sudjeluju: Lana Bobić (HR), Jelena Veljača (HR), Snježana Pavić (HR), Silvija Šeparović (HR)
Panel “Reprezentacija žena i ženskih prava u medijima” okuplja novinarke, feministice i
aktivistice koje su u svojim uspješnim karijerama pokrile sva polja medijskog prostora: kao
urednice i autorice, kao stručne sugovornice, ali i kao osobe koje su i same često bile predmet
medijskog interesa. Jesu li za žene rezervirani samo ženski i showbiz časopisi? Što nam je u
nasljeđe ostavila jugoslavenska medijska scena? U čemu je razlika između balkanskih i
anglosaksonskih sustava? Jesu li hrvatske redakcije mjesta slobode ili diskriminacije? Što nam
govore statistike, a što vidimo u praksi? Pogled iz svih kuteva približit će nam Lana Bobić,
Snježana Pavić, Silvija Šeparović, Jelena Veljača i Milena Zajović.
The panel “Representation of Women and Women’s Rights in the Media” brings together journalists, feminists, and activists who, in their successful careers, have covered all areas of the media space: as editors and authors, as expert contributors, and as individuals who themselves have often been the subject of media interest. Are women only featured in women’s and showbiz magazines? What has the Yugoslav media scene left us as a legacy? What is the difference between Balkan and Anglo-Saxon systems? Are Croatian newsrooms places of freedom or discrimination? What do statistics tell us, and what do we see in practice? Offering their own views on Women and Women’ Rights in the Media: Lana Bobić, Snježana Pavić, Silvija Šeparović, Jelena Veljača, and Milena Zajović.
Milena Zajović (HR) je magistra psihologije i dugogodišnja urednica kulture u Večernjem listu, te selektorica glavnog programa Motovun Film Festivala. Ljudskim pravima bavi se više od dvadeset godina – bila je suorganizatorica prvih Zagreb Prideova, te prva dopredsjednica udruge Iskorak početkom 2000-tih. Od 2015. godine aktivno se bavi pravima ljudi u pokretu, prvo kao predsjednica udruge Are You Syrious, a potom i kao voditeljica zagovaranja međunarodne mreže Border Violence Monitoring Network. U novije vrijeme, jedna je od pokretačica aktivističkog LGBTIQ+ kolektiva Ponosni Zagreb. Bavi se i edukacijskim radom, s naglaskom na teme ljudskih prava i queerfeminizma.
Milena Zajović (HR) is a Master of Psychology and a longtime culture editor at Večernji list, as well as the selector of the main program at the Motovun Film Festival. She has been involved in human rights for over twenty years, co-organizing some of the first Zagreb Prides and serving as the first vice president of the Iskorak association in the early 2000s. Since 2015, she has been actively engaged in the rights of people on the move, first as the president of the Are You Syrious association, and later as the advocacy coordinator for the international network Border Violence Monitoring Network. Recently, she has been one of the initiators of the activist LGBTIQ+ collective Ponosni Zagreb. She is also involved in educational work, with a focus on human rights and queer feminism.
Program se odvija u okviru konferencije Ženske politike – Budućnost feminističke borbe 1. – 2.12.2023.
The program is taking place as part of the conference Women Politics – Shaping the Feminist Future 1-3 Dec 2023.