Satya Bhabha & Jonathan Bonnici | Via Negativa (SLO) – True Story
Festival Perforacije 2023
1.7.2023. | 19:00
Zagrebački Plesni Centar
Kapacitet: 28 osoba
Gdje završava priča, a vi počinjete? True Story je ples na tankoj granici između stvarnosti i fikcije. Priče često služe kao bijeg od stvarnosti, ali u TRUE STORY one se pokazuju kao tkivo same stvarnosti.
Multidisciplinarni izvedbeni umjetnici Satya Bhabha i Jonathan Bonnici oslanjaju se na snagu fikcije dok pokušavaju stvoriti zajedničke prostore slaganja u svijetu u kojem se istina toliko osporava.
Dva izvođača stoje na pozornici i pričaju niz priča koji se neprestano razvija. Kako se scene razvijaju, oni stvaraju fleksibilan i porozan svijet narativa, uključujući i implicirajući sve prisutne, zajedno sa samim prostorom izvedbe. Publika postaje i autor i glumac u drami, dok se granice između pripovjedača i slušatelja, mašte i stvarnosti te istine i fikcije počinju brisati.
TRUE STORY poziva publiku na zajedničko mjesto između stvarnosti i mašte. Dva izvođača pletu fikciju od činjenica, oslanjajući se na ujedinjujuću snagu pripovijedanja u potrazi za sadašnjim trenutkom.
Komad je sastavljen od priča. Puno priča. Priče koje sežu od galija u Južnom kineskom moru do svemirskih kapsula na dalekim planetima; priče o poznatom, stranom i fantastičnom. Ali kako predstava odmiče, granica između tih izmišljenih svjetova i prostora izvedbe počinje se zamagljivati, a priče se otkrivaju bliže stvarnosti nego što su se isprva činile.
Kazalište crne kutije zrcali brodsku kabinu bez prozora, škripanje stolica odzvanja do užadi koja se napinju na sidru. Kako se narativne niti provlače kroz prostor izvedbe, sama publika počinje se pojavljivati kao lik. Izvođači napuštaju sav pripremljeni materijal, crpeći narative isključivo iz dinamike prostora koja se razvija, a između sobe, ljudi u njoj i ispričanih priča javlja se feedback.
Gledano kroz kaleidoskopsku prizmu ovih priča, sadašnji trenutak dolazi u fokus i pojavljuje se zajednička točka u kojoj svi možemo supostojati.
Performans: Satya Bhabha & Jonathan Bonnici (ostvareno u suradnji s Bojanom Jablanovcem) | Dizajn svjetla: Špela Škulj | Producent: Špela Trošt | PR: Sara Horžen
Jonathan i Satya upoznali su se dok su glumili u predstavi u Shakespeareovom Globe Theatru u Londonu. Obojica su prošli tradicionalne programe obuke glumaca Jonathan na RADA-i i Satya na Yaleu, a radili su u kazalištu, na filmu i televiziji. Prijateljstvo je brzo preraslo u suradnju, jer su se interesi obojice pomaknuli s komercijalnog kazališta na suvremeni performans.
Iako su se njihovi interesi proširili izvan kazališta, Satya i Jonathan nikada nisu izgubili svoju fascinaciju pripovijedanjem. Razgovor koji je doveo do stvaranja TRUE STORY započeo je prije tri godine, a obuhvatio je rezidencije u Kopenhagenu, Londonu i Mumbaiju. Godine 2020. Satya i Jonathan pozvani su u Ljubljanu od strane izvedbene kuće Via Negativa, čiji se umjetnički direktor Bojan Jablanovec pridružio dvojcu u oblikovanju konačne forme djela.
Where does the story end and you begin? True Story is a dance on the thin line between reality and fiction. Stories often serve as an escape from reality, but in TRUE STORY they are revealed to be the fabric of reality itself.
Multi-disciplinary performing artists Satya Bhabha and Jonathan Bonnici invest in the power of fiction as they attempt to create shared spaces of agreement in a world where truth is so contested.
Two performers stand on a bare stage telling an ever-evolving series of stories. As their scenes unfold they create a flexible and porous world of narratives, involving and implicating everyone present along with the performance space itself. The audience becomes both author and actor in the drama, as the boundaries between storyteller and listener, imagination and reality, and truth and fiction begin to blur.
TRUE STORY invites its audience to meet in a common ground between reality and imagination. Two performers weave fictions from facts, engaging the unifying power of storytelling in search of the present moment.
The piece is made up of stories. Lots of stories. Stories that range from galleons in the South China Sea, to space pods on distant planets; stories about the familiar, the foreign, and the fantastical. But as the show progresses, the boundary between these fictional worlds and the performance space begins to blur, and the stories are revealed to be closer to reality than they first appeared.
The black-box theatre mirrors a ship’s windowless cabin, the creaking of chairs echoes the ropes straining at anchor. As narrative threads weave through the performance space, the audience themselves begin to appear as characters. The performers abandon all prepared material, drawing narratives solely from the evolving dynamics of the space, and a feedback loop emerges between the room, the people in it, and the tales being told.
Viewed through the kaleidoscopic lens of these stories, the present moment comes into focus, and a common ground emerges where we can all exist together.
Performance: Satya Bhabha & Jonathan Bonnici (in collaboration with Bojan Jablanovec) | Light design: Špela Škulj | Producer: Špela Trošt | PR: Sara Horžen
Jonathan and Satya met while playing brothers in the play Holy Warriors at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London. They had both been through traditional actor training programs Jonathan at RADA and Satya at Yale – and had worked in theatre, film, and television. A fast friendship grew into a long-distance collaboration, as both their interests shifted away from commercial theatre towards contemporary performance.
Though their interests have expanded beyond the theatre, Satya and Jonathan never lost their fascination with the connective power of storytelling. The conversation that led to the creation of TRUE STORY began three years ago, and has spanned residencies in Copenhagen, London, and Mumbai. In 2020 Satya and Jonathan were invited to Ljubljana by performance company Via Negativa, whose artistic director Bojan Jablanovec joined the duo in shaping the final form of the piece.