The British Museum & Queer Zagreb – Prezentacija edukacije
Program edukacije: Tragovima Drugih
Voditelji programa edukacije: Stuart Frost (Head of Interpretation and Volunteers, The British Museum) i Kayte McSweeney (Community Partnerships Manager: Participation and Collections, The British Museum)
U okviru 20. Queer Zagreb sezone te programskog segmenta institucionalnih suradnji, udruga Domino i The British Museum (UK) provode online edukativni program za djelatnike hrvatskih muzejskih ustanova i galerija te nezavisne kustose pod radnim nazivom “Tragovima Drugih” na temu uključivosti LGBTIQ+ povijesti, identiteta i umjetničkih praksi u muzejske / galerijske programe. Edukacija se idejno i sadržajno nastavlja na program The British Museuma „Desire, love, identity: exploring LGBTQ histories“ te obuhvaća razmjenu dobrih praksi, znanja i iskustava, kroz 3 online sastanka u prvoj fazi, od 6. do 20. svibnja 2022. godine. Stuart Frost će predstaviti svima zainteresiranima program edukacije te načine adaptacije i provedbe LGBTIQ+ uključivih programa u kulturi.
Cilj projekta jest razvoj i provedba održive strategije uključivosti, odnosno, produkcija te inkorporacija queer prakse u programe i postave hrvatskih muzeja i galerija, partnera u projektu. Javnu prezentaciju i realizaciju LGBTIQ+ vodstva radnog naziva „Tragovima Drugih“ koje se temelji na “drugačijem” čitanju dominantnih umjetničkih povijesnih narativa i građe, planiramo u drugoj fazi projekta, krajem 2022. godine.
Program of Education: “The Trails of Others”
Educators: Stuart Frost (Head of Interpretation and Volunteers, The British Museum) and Kayte McSweeney (Community Partnerships Manager: Participation and Collections, The British Museum)
As part of the 20th Queer Zagreb, the Domino Association and the British Museum organize the educational program “The Trails of Others” for employees of Croatian museums and galleries and independent curators on implementing LGBTIQ+ history, identity and artistic practices in museum / gallery programs. The education continues on the British Museum’s “Desire, love, identity: exploring LGBTQ histories” exhibition program and includes the exchange of good practices, knowledge and experiences, through 3 online meetings in the first phase of the project, from 6 to 20 May 2022. Stuart Frost will present the education program and ways of developing and implementing a sustainable inclusion strategy of queer practice into the programs of Croatian museums and galleries, partners in the project. We plan the public presentation and realization of the LGBTIQ + guided tour in the second phase of the project, at the end of 2022.
*Program The British Museuma „Desire, love, identity: exploring LGBTQ histories“:
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