2.12.2023. / 12:00 – 13:15
OAZA, Radićeva ul. 9
Moderira: Marko Matijević (HR)
Sudjeluju: Karla Jelić (HR), Franka Perković (HR), Kristina Lelovac (MK)
U školskom sustavu većinom rade žene, u akademskom svijetu podjednaki je broj žena, ali ih je tek oko 20 posto na rukovodećim pozicijama. Ipak, s obzirom na takve omjere, nemamo formalnu edukaciju o ženskim pravima u obrazovnim sustavima. Zašto je to tako? Kako bi takva edukacija uopće mogla izgledati i koja bi joj bila svrha? Je li išta bolje u regiji? Gdje mlada osoba uopće može nešto naučiti o ženskim pravima, ako ne u obrazovanju i obrazovnim sistemima? Što se može očekivati o državnog plana suzbijanja seksualnog nasilja na fakultetima? To je samo dio pitanja na koja ćemo tražiti odgovore tijekom panela Ženska prava u obrazovanju i obrazovnim sistemima.
In the education system, the majority of workers are women, and in the academic world, there is an equal number of women, but they make up only about 20 percent in leadership positions. However, given these ratios, we lack formal education on women’s rights in educational systems. Why is that the case? What could such education even look like, and what would be its purpose? Is anything better in the region? Where can a young person learn about women’s rights if not in education and educational systems? What can be expected from the state’s plan to combat sexual violence in universities? These are just some of the questions we will seek answers to during the panel on Women’s Rights in Education and Educational Systems.
Marko Matijević (HR) je glavni urednik portala srednja.hr, mirovina.hr i baustela.hr, od kojih je prvi pokrenuo još u studentsko doba. Portal srednja.hr najpoznatiji je po otvaranju velikih specijaliziranih tema u akademskoj i obrazovnoj zajednici te kao digitalni glas mladih. Završio je zagrebački MIOC, novinarstvo na Fakultetu političkih znanosti, a godinu dana studiranja putem Erasmusa na Sveučilištu u Regensburgu pokazalo mu je kako sveučilišta ipak mogu biti kvalitetno uređena. U slobodno vrijeme biciklira na duge staze.
Marko Matijević (HR) is the editor-in-chief of the portals srednja.hr, mirovina.hr, and baustela.hr, the first of which he launched during his student days. The srednja.hr portal is well-known for opening up significant specialized topics in the academic and educational community and serving as a digital voice for the youth. He completed his education at MIOC in Zagreb and studied journalism at the Faculty of Political Sciences. A year of Erasmus study at the University of Regensburg showed him that universities can indeed be well-organized. In his free time, he enjoys cycling on long routes.
Karla Jelić (HR) rođena je u Zagrebu 1999. godine. Završila je preddiplomski studij novinarstva. Trenutno je apsolventica diplomskog studija dokumentarnog filma na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu. U svom aktivističkom i umjetničkom radu bavi se temama seksualnog zlostavljanja, feminizma i queer prava.
Karla Jelić (HR) was born in Zagreb in 1999. She completed her undergraduate studies in journalism. Currently, she is a graduate student specializing in documentary filmmaking at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb. In her activist and artistic work, she focuses on themes such as sexual abuse, feminism, and queer rights.
Franka Perković (HR) rođena je 1969. godine u Zagrebu. Studirala je komparativnu književnost, lingvistiku i filozofiju na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. 2005. godine diplomirala je Kazališnu režiju i radiofoniju na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. U proteklih je dvadeset i pet godina režirala više desetaka kazališnih predstava, recentne su D. Drndić/G. Ferčec: Leica format, W. Shakespeare: Na tri kralja, F. G. Lorca: Krvava svadba, M. Krleža: Leda. Suosnivačica je Kazališne udruge KUFER, a zatim i umjetničke organizacije Ruždjak i Perković. Od 2009. godine zaposlena je na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, gdje predaje na Odsjeku glume.
Franka Perković (HR) was born in 1969 in Zagreb. She studied Comparative literature, Linguistics, and Philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. In 2005, she graduated Theatre Directing and Radio Production from the Academy of Dramatic Art at the University of Zagreb. Over the past twenty-five years, she has directed dozens of theatrical performances, including recent ones like D. Drndić/G. Ferčec: Leica Format, W. Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, or What You Will, F. G. Lorca: Blood Wedding, M. Krleža: Leda. She is a co-founder of the Theater Association KUFER and later the artistic organization Ruždjak and Perković. Since 2009, she works at the Academy of Dramatic Art at the University of Zagreb, where she teaches at the Acting Department.
Kristina Lelovac (MK) je glumica, izvođačica i kustosica izvedbenih umjetnosti. Kao izvanredna profesorica predaje glumu na Fakultetu dramskih umjetnosti u Skoplju. Njezini profesionalni interesi usmjereni su na kritičku umjetničku pedagogiju, suvremene izvedbene prakse i feminističke aspekte suradnje u umjetničkim procesima. Kristina nastupa uglavnom u nezavisnim kazališnim i izvedbenim produkcijama te surađuje u osmišljavanju izvedbi u okviru interdisciplinarnih umjetničkih projekata. Jedna je od osnivačica Festivala feminističke kulture i akcije FIRSTBORN GIRL (PRVO PA ŽENSKO) i kustosica izvedbenog programa festivala i platforme izvedbenih umjetnosti REHEARSING FEMINIST FUTURES.
Kristina Lelovac (MK) is an actress, performer and curator of performing arts. As associate professor she teaches drama acting at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Skopje. Her professional interests are focused on critical art pedagogies, contemporary performing practices and feminist aspects of collaboration in art processes. She performs mainly in independent theatre and performance productions and collaborates on devising performances within interdisciplinary artistic projects. She is one of the founders of Festival of Feminist Culture and Action FIRSTBORN GIRL (ПРВО ПА ЖЕНСКО) and curator of its performance program and performing arts platform REHEARSING FEMINIST FUTURES.
Program se odvija u okviru konferencije Ženske politike – Budućnost feminističke borbe 1. – 2.12.2023.
The program is taking place as part of the conference Women Politics – Shaping the Feminist Future 1-3 Dec 2023.